In no particular order, in alphabetical order, or latest first, or first to last:
- A Catalan in Tokyo
- Flats, Feet and a Joy Ride
- Elspeth
- Alice
- Warthog
- New Ball Game Gets Brutal
- The Hospital and the Swimming Pool Noodle
- Château and a History of Loss
- A Butterfly and a Baby in Kuala Lumpur
- Supermarket Eggs and an Ex
- Skirt
- Mud, Tunnels and a Citroën 2CV
- Don’t Bring Your Laundry to a Party
- Sailing Away in a Golden Rowing Boat in Libya
- Two Nurses Help Me from Being Lost
- The Light in the Attic
- Lovely Time Spent with Red and Brown Retriever
- Talking Cat Says it is an Alien
- Lost in a Bus Station in Hong Kong
- Strange Foot Treatment at a Beauty Parlor
- Going to the Interrogation Room for a Bruising
- Chick Corea Tells Me How to Treat a Woman
- Venturing Out From a Hotel in Afghanistan
- Out on the Tiles in Chelsea
- Breaking the Sweet Melancholy of the Past
- Cheese Plates in the Conference Room, Now!
- Anxiety and Finding the Bathroom in a Hotel
- In a Parking Lot with Guns
- Escaping from a Tsunami
- Grey Street, Grey Stores and What is Reel
- Late Night Crush on the Tube
- Mad But Trying to Make Up in Copenhagen
- Two Yins For a Yang
- Brilliant Minds Do Not Care What People Think
- The Woman in Blue
- A Trip to the Game Provides a Detour
- Quit? Then You Need a Place to Stay and Money
- Family Drive in the Country Turns Irritating
- Killer to be Interred Needs Temporary Resting Place
- Browsing Bric-a-Brac Stalls on an Old Market Day
- How to Avoid Terrorists
- Duck is Nearly Run Over by a Bus
- Business Trip Embedded in a Book
- Jamal Ahmad was Shot Dead in the Age of Gentrification
- Buying a Flat Opposite the Dinosaurs
- Love from a Previous Life
- Spies in a Bunker in Prague
- Mother Is Doing Fine
- Anatomy of a Murder
- A Work Trilogy: More Blah Blah in the Auditorium
- A Work Trilogy: Interviewing for a New Opportunity
- More Than a Writing Dilemma in a Tarot Card
- A Work Trilogy: Sabbatical Starts in the Wrong Airport
- Bad Hot Dogs and a New Route to a Lost Car
- Reunion with an Ex is High Risk
- Squirrels on the Tracks
- Return to the Dance
- Fire in the Warehouse
- Picking the Right Flowers
- Designers on the Top of a Brownstone
- Tottenham Court Road Ain’t What it Used to Be
- Runes Will Foretell Your Past
- How to Put Down a Cat (or Not)
- Down by the River in New York City
- Coqui Frog Salad
- Marsha
- Gluten Free Pizza and Other Light Quandaries
- Charity for the Afghan Boy
- Unloading on High School and its Consequences
- Throwing Sandwiches Doesn’t Do Any Good
- How to Make Chi Flow in the Room
- Saboteur Needs to be Killed with a Needle
- Teleportation in Hyderabad
- When the Hills Are Alive
- What a Long Strange Trip
- Visiting the Neighbours While They Are Away
- Competing for Gina Lollobrigida
- Bookstore Encounter
- Beware these Restaurants in Chinatown
- Stuck in the Mud
- Finding New Work in the Quarry
- No Longer Fit for the Party
- Midnight and it’s Raining at the Movie Theater
- Ambulance Needed, Corner of High Street and Thai
- Dad is Alive and Well and Living in Costa Rica
- Bus Stops are Dangerous
- The Last of the Fairground Events
- Floating towards the End of Days in Guatemala
- Attacked by a Drone in the Old Fort
- Lights Out for the Comfort of Strangers
- Cheerleaders for the New Guy, Join the Fun!
- Death of the Journalist
- Hiking the Spanish Trail
- Getting to the Party on Time (via the Angels)
- The Frog and Cat – Part 1 At the Restaurant
- Visitors from Japan
- Two Women, One a Smoker the Other a Drinker
- The Frog and Cat – Part 2 Back at the Hotel
- Campsite Reconciliation with the Cold Cousin
- From Scottish Rites to the Hindu Temple
- Jungle Trekking in China
- Go Fish
- Alcohol Ice Cream
- The Shops by Hammersmith and Main
- Inappropriate Reading
- The Mouth of an Actress
- A Guest House in Alexandria
- Choreography in a Cave
- King Minos and the Showgirls
- Visiting the Japanese Mafia for One Last Time
- The Fishmonger’s Toilet
- Young, Barefoot, and Pregnant
- The Woman with Antlers
- Ana Wintour is my Half-Sister
- My Holiday was Better Than Your Holiday
- A Christmas Name in Lights
- The Pain of Things Left Unsaid
- A Unique Storage Unit
- Everybody Is Back In London But Somebody Is Naked
- Business Trip Abuse
- The Russian Puppet
- The Lion and the Store Full Of Tchotchkes
- Are You A Sane Person?
- The Intoxication of the Woman with Silver Hair
- Ethiopian Theater and the Hidden Stage
- Renovating the House with the Monks’ Corridor
- Sexual Assault by Highway Robber
- Faint Smell of Cigarette Smoke
- The Wrong Affair
- Brutal Editor Provides Review in Chinese Restaurant
- Lost Baby in the Museum
- Dad is in Paris in a Hospital for the Insane
- Planting Arugula at the Back of the Tenement Building
- Alexis Korner Gets 100% Likes in the Titty Bar
- Perseverance in French
- The Meet Up and the Rats
- True Face of Thai Dancer is Reflected in the Books