At the supermarket buying eggs.
I’m walking around with a girl I used to go out with. She has long black hair, greasy or unwashed I am not sure which, but I do not recognize her and besides, she’s in her twenties; she has a new boyfriend now.
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I put the eggs into one of the large open cartons, one that can hold maybe 30 eggs. Then I add more eggs already in their pink cartons of 6, and nest them in the open carton. Some eggs are larger, are Easter eggs covered in colored foil, and they don’t fit quite right. But the open cartons still function, even with the Easter eggs and the pink cartons. They still stack one on top of the other. Just about.
One Easter egg falls to the floor. and I pick it up and inspect it.
The foil is slightly damaged, peeled but it ok. So I stack four of the open cartons in the back of the car. And my ex leaves to pick up her new boyfriend.
I wanted to say something to her. But I could not think of it.
Instead I tell her that Siobhan and I will pull round to the side. We will wait in the pickup lane.
It is dusk when we finally see them… They were at the front of the supermarket, They come over, and I don’t know the boy but he is young too.
Why were you waiting over there? I say, slightly annoyed, as they get into the back of the car from the passenger’s side. I look back at them, the car is left hand drive, and ensure that they can slide in easily next to the stacked eggs.
Where you going? I ask. Hanwell… or is it West Ealing?
Image by Steve Buissinne