
Lawrence M Rowe.

Asia, America, Europe. A wife, two children, a couple of cats and some past lives.

We often let our dreams drift away, but there are times when we should pursue the dreams (or nightmares) to find out more.

Alice in Wonderland

Africa Aging Alcohol Animals Asia Buses Cars Central America Chase Childhood Creatures Dance Death Eros Europe Feet Fighting Food Funny Games Home Intimacy Late Liaisons Light Loss Lost Middle East Movement Mud Parents Party Race Religion Sexuality Smoking Toilet Trains Travel Tunnels Vans Water Words Work Writing

Photo of cormorant fishing (Ukai) by Vanessa via Flickr Photo of cormorant fishing (Ukai) by Aurelio Asiain via Flickr under the Creative Commons license.Photo of cormorant fishing (Ukai) by Yuya Tamai from Flickr under the Creative Commons license.Photo of cormorant fishing (Ukai) from Pxhere.
Alice image from Max Pixel

Copyright Mel Christie © 2022. All rights reserved.

All content on this site reflects the author’s actual dreams or pretty much, though names have been changed. All photos used are in accordance to their Creative Commons license and accredited as needed – contact me in case of issue.

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