Ambulance Needed, Corner of High Street and Thai

Ambulance needed, corner of high street and Thai

An ambulance is coming along the high street towards the junction where, on the corner, there sits a Thai restaurant. The ambulance is out of view but its sirens are wailing, and I am standing, around the corner, on the cross street a few yards down.

I look across the road at the restaurant’s floor-to-ceiling window, where the waitress leans.

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Beware these Restaurants in Chinatown

Beware these restaurants in Chinatown

I am driving to Alexandria, Chinatown, with Lizzie for some good Chinese food. The road after the bridge is very steep, maybe 40 degrees, but it is straight up. I think the car will manage. But Lizzie goes on ahead, she’s faster, with her little black Vespa.

And I am trying to shout directions from my car but she continues to climb further away.

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Charity for the Afghan Boy

Charity for the Afghan Boy

I was back in the Afghan town walking through dusty streets, brown dirt roads lined with twelve foot high dirty white daubed walls. The roads were wide enough for two cars but they were deserted except for street urchins in dirty white jellabahs, boys with dusty black hair who wanted to be your guide.

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Reunion with an Ex is High Risk

Reunions with an ex are high risk

I am on a wooden boat at night. Siobhan and I have a cabin. And I am on the lower deck trying to clean up with the leaf blower. At first it will not work, but I remember that once I add the attachment it won’t overheat; only then will it start to do the job.

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