Sexual Assault by Highway Robber

I was in a marketplace in England, a huge wooden covered structure which sold vegetables and fruit. I was trying to get out but somehow I was stuck behind a chain link fence that surrounded the perimeter of the marketplace. Ivy covered the chain links and made it slippery and hard to climb.

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Are You A Sane Person?

“Are you a sane person?” she asked.

We walked up the dirt path away from the lecture hall. She had straight blonde hair, a cute pug nose and an open smile. To the right of her was a tall bamboo forest.

“Only on Sundays,” I replied and then uncertainly, “Do you want me to be?”

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Floating towards the End of Days in Guatemala

Floating towards the end of days in Guatemala

It was our last day in Guatemala and it was clear we could not carry on.

Alexis and I had argued for most of the holiday and we would split up upon our return. It was a fait accompli.

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Unloading on High School and its Consequences

Unloading on high school

I sat at my desk but Rebecca Farmer suggested we go get some ice cream . It was unusual because I had never really spent time with her before.

“Sure,” I said and we went down to the lunch hall, but when we got there there was a long line of people with trays.

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Bad Hot Dogs and a New Route to a Lost Car

Bad hot dogs and a detour to a lost car

We were just coming back from a football match in Manchester and I was trying to find the car.

To get to the match we had to walk a lot. Liam had brought a friend but even so, we were going to arrive very early. Nobody else was even making their way. And we were lost cutting through a suburban estate.

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