The Lion and the Store Full Of Tchotchkes

All the other mini-creatures had been killed and only two remained.

They had to be taken out of the freezer and once they had thawed the mammoth was quite easy to kill but the lion was a different story.

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The Frog and Cat – Part 2 Back at the Hotel

The frog and cat

After dozing off again, I find one of the frogs back with me in the hotel room. I have to let him lie in a small container of cold water for a while, to let him recuperate.

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The Frog and Cat – Part 1 At the Restaurant

The Frog and Cat

I’m in Indonesia and we’ll eat over in the restaurant district. But before I leave my small single room for the restaurant, I notice that I have a cut on my belly. It is on my right side, just above the joint of my hip but I won’t have any time to do something about it.

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Down by the River in New York City

Down by the river in New York City

After a brief rain shower, I am cycling around New York City, gleaming cobbled streets on a bright sun filled afternoon.

Here to visit mum, I left my stuff with her in lower Manhattan before I set off with the racer. I have to be careful with its thin tires but nevertheless I am pulling the bike expertly up hills to discover new side streets, while still dodging large pothole puddles.

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How to Put Down a Cat (or Not)

How to put down a cat (or not)

After the last time we had to put down our cat, I was resolved to get someone new.

That time, when the cat’s throat was slit the blood spurted deep red in multiple flashes. It went high, so that the blood went everywhere and there was a lot to clean up.

This time we advertised and a young woman answered our call.

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