Getting to the Party on Time (via the Angels)

Getting to the Party on Time

We are going to a party at Siobhan’s friend’s apartment on the south side of the Embankment and are taking the train. So we get on at the Angel and take the lift, an old wooden box, down into the Underground.

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Competing for Gina Lollobrigida

Competing for Gina Lollobrigida

I am with a group of Italians waiting to take the train from Palermo to Milan. The group is a mix of men and women in their 40s. And one woman wears her hair short, and straight, with spiky brown bangs.

She is thin, tall, and not classically my type but she has a sexuality about her.

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Unloading on High School and its Consequences

Unloading on high school

I sat at my desk but Rebecca Farmer suggested we go get some ice cream . It was unusual because I had never really spent time with her before.

“Sure,” I said and we went down to the lunch hall, but when we got there there was a long line of people with trays.

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Late Night Crush on the Tube

Late night crush on the tube

Trying to get the tube home.

A young Chinese woman in a brown plaid jacket and skirt holds a black briefcase and stands with her back to me on the platform. She watches a District Line train passing through, but it is too late for me and has left by the time I get there.

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