A Guest House in Alexandria

After the long walk along the Nile I arrived at the hostel. An old man, in a white jellaba led me through a warren of rooms. He had a greying beard and was a little portly. “There is a place,” he assured me, “only one pound.” The Egyptian pound was pegged one to one with the British pound in those days. Still, it was very cheap.

I just didn’t remember coming here before visiting Uncle Vartan.

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The Mouth of an Actress

The Mouth of an Actress

Her hair is short straight, dirty blonde, and combed back exposing a pale white forehead. An actress she is; her right cheek is close to the camera, angled up at her from below, showing the sharp line of her jaw.

On the tip of her nose, there glistens a single tear drop, hanging.

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Getting to the Party on Time (via the Angels)

Getting to the Party on Time

We are going to a party at Siobhan’s friend’s apartment on the south side of the Embankment and are taking the train. So we get on at the Angel and take the lift, an old wooden box, down into the Underground.

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Coqui Frog Salad

Coqui Frog Salad

I am sitting in a formal park in Central America with Original Anne and there is a white stone terrace up above us attached to the main house. It stretches from one end to the other. And I am describing to her that the sound is from a coqui, a little frog that makes a sound like “co-koo” but clipped, like the alarm from an iPhone.

“I know that,” she emphasizes as we walk through the park.

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Anatomy of a Murder

Anatomy of a Murder

The anatomy of a murder: I am with Amy, now a psychopath’s girlfriend, right before he murders her; and we are replaying the scene leading up to the event.

The psychopath is a fat puffy man and he jealously governs his actions. His fat fingers will take a knife to her throat and slit her neck.

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