Spies in a Bunker in Prague

Spies in a bunker in Prague

I am in Budapest, only it does not look like Budapest because I have been there; so maybe I am in Prague because I have not been there.

I am in a deserted apartment, more like a bunker, but real high up, above the cityscape. And even though the bunker has only two main rooms, the rooms have strange angles and steps up to the lookout posts. Like a bunker the rooms have grey white walls and the windows are glassless but have metal grills.

The spies were just with me, a man and woman drinking whisky from crystal glasses.  They poured it from a pear shaped decanter with a glass stopper.

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Love from a Previous Life

Love from a previous life

When I returned to the old office I saw her again.

She was dressed in a thick woolen dress and stockings, in dark maroon shades. The dress was knee length and had sleeves that came right down to her wrists; and her stockings, too, had the same tight, thick hatched woolen knit that covered her legs down to her ankles. She was thin, tall, taller than me,  a small round face, dark hair; and I loved her from a previous life.

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Buying a Flat Opposite the Dinosaurs

Buying a flat opposite the dinosaurs

I am barely awake as Elaine and her boyfriend lie next to me on a bed in an upstairs flat in Hanwell.

They are canoodling even though I have my hand on her bare shoulder. And he is a bit rough looking; droopy alcohol eyes, red pyjamas, not very attractive I think, but I can’t really judge her, it is her choice. I was lying there with Elaine talking things through, when he joined us and she turned to kiss him.

Image by rubiopinar from Pixabay, cropped

Jamal Ahmad was Shot Dead in the Age of Gentrification

Jamal Ahmad was Shot Dead

I dream that I am crossing the road using the pedestrian bridge. It climbs high to clear the noisy traffic below and is all grey steel and yellow girders, clanging with my steps.

It was where Jamal Ahmad was shot dead. I have the magazine article about the unjust killing of a black man in my jacket pocket, rolled up .

There is menace in the air and a number of parades are scheduled for commemoration and protest.

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