Picking the Right Flowers

How to pick the right flowers

We are going to a party, Amy’s house warming, and I am trying to work out who to buy flowers for. It’s her party so I think I should get her flowers, except an old, but hopefully new again girlfriend, FG, will be there, so maybe I should get her flowers too.

Then again, FG might misinterpret me getting flowers for Amy.

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Fire in the Warehouse

Fire in the Warehouse

I am working in a large warehouse of dark iron walls, muted colors, dark orange, dirt brown, heavy blue.

As we work, I see a shaft high up on the wall has caught fire. Flames lick the grill. It looks like it cannot be put out.

My colleagues are looking to see what they can do. They kick at the metal grill. And I go to the fire alarm, a small rectangular red box on the opposite wall.

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