Finding New Work in the Quarry

Finding new work in the quarry

Siobhan and I are in a quarry in the Philippines. Yellow shale walls on either side split the quarry in two, trucks in a line, blunder through. I am looking for work there, as a software developer, troubled times in tech.

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Stuck in the Mud

Stuck in the Mud

Siobhan wants to take Liam shopping for clothes and new glasses. He is excited to go, but first he suggests a bike ride with me.

So we head downtown on our bikes, just me and him, and we glide through the Rock Creek underpass, taking the first corner one way through a concrete tunnel, then double backing the other way.

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Beware these Restaurants in Chinatown

Beware these restaurants in Chinatown

I am driving to Alexandria, Chinatown, with Lizzie for some good Chinese food. The road after the bridge is very steep, maybe 40 degrees, but it is straight up. I think the car will manage. But Lizzie goes on ahead, she’s faster, with her little black Vespa.

And I am trying to shout directions from my car but she continues to climb further away.

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Bookstore Encounter

Things to do on a date with a stranger

We are browsing a bookstore in Cleveland Park. Liam and I, and Lizzie and Siobhan, wandering the crowded store. And we are on the second floor on a balcony surround that overlooks the level below, when one of the assistants comes up to Liam and I. The two of us are sitting at a barstool table and she takes the third stool and sits with us.

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