Business Trip Embedded in a Book

Business trip embedded in a book

I was visiting a town in the Northeast for work.

When I was driving on a cobbled stone part of town, I decided to detour to the well known pier. I headed towards the entrance and recognized a woman from the hotel, saw her park outside, instead of driving onto the pier. Then she walked away from her car, a beige dress. She was middle aged, my age.

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Duck is Nearly Run Over by a Bus

Duck is nearly run over by a bus

We found a duck.

He stood on our bench in the corner of the diner and looked eye level directly at me. He had small round bead eyes, a white semicircular bill and he stood tall on wide webbed feet.

The duck was very cute, was covered in what looked more like white fur than feathers. I wanted to pet him but I was afraid he might bite.

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How to Avoid Terrorists

When I got into the elevator at the Castleton, others piled in too. We were stuffed side by side when the doors closed but then the elevator started to shake, then tip, then free fall.

I was standing on top of others so it would be ok; I would be cushioned once we hit the bottom. And the fall was quite slow, the side of the elevator scraping metal against the walls of the elevator shaft.

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Browsing Bric-a-Brac Stalls on an Old Market Day

I am walking up a hill, a sunlit morning with an old market day feel. I pass by stalls with a variety of wares laid out when I am I stopped by a seller with brown leather hat and neck strap, auburn hair waved across wide shoulders, a hardy weather beaten face. She wears a thick white shirt with sleeves rolled up to her elbows revealing sunburnt arms, faded blue tattoos.

She admires my watch. Can I see that? she asks, and I take it off so that she can get a closer look.

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Killer to be Interred Needs Temporary Resting Place

The killer was put to death and will be interred. But first he must be housed in a temporary coffin next my mother’s bed in her jail cell in Coring Road. Her bed is in the corner of the room and it would separate her from the next bed over.

That’s not very nice, I think. I imagine a large yellow canister like casket looming over her bed. Dwarfing her own bed.

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