Squirrels on the Tracks

Squirrel on the tracks

I cannot figure out how to get down from Balham southbound. The train is leaving, I do not have time to get a ticket but I get on the train anyway.

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Reunion with an Ex is High Risk

Reunions with an ex are high risk

I am on a wooden boat at night. Siobhan and I have a cabin. And I am on the lower deck trying to clean up with the leaf blower. At first it will not work, but I remember that once I add the attachment it won’t overheat; only then will it start to do the job.

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Bad Hot Dogs and a New Route to a Lost Car

Bad hot dogs and a detour to a lost car

We were just coming back from a football match in Manchester and I was trying to find the car.

To get to the match we had to walk a lot. Liam had brought a friend but even so, we were going to arrive very early. Nobody else was even making their way. And we were lost cutting through a suburban estate.

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A Work Trilogy: Sabbatical Starts in the Wrong Airport

Sabbatical start in the wrong airport

I am headed to Indonesia on my own, a grand trip, having quit my job. But when we get to the airport, a small building in the center of town, it becomes clear that I am in the wrong place. There is only one flight and it is not going to Jakarta.

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More Than a Writing Dilemma in a Tarot Card

More than a writing dilemma in a tarot card

Where can I fit destruction into my story?

About my trip to Lantau to see the tarot card reader, when I had to first cut the cards after shuffling them to get a start point. And the destruction card came up, its unfamiliar tower struck by lightning. Maggie French took it and immediately discarded it without analyzing it; even though I knew that it had viciously provided the truth at that moment.

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