I went there with Micky and we walked along the balcony corridor of the motel, pool-side, until we found the room. When we knocked and entered, on a large bed, there sat the Japanese man we were to visit.
Read moreI had been trying to Google when my leaving date was. Was it the last day of being paid? Or the day after? Everything I searched didn’t clarify the date so I would have to call in on HR.
But first there was the Japanese.
We had to visit them in their room on the motel’s third floor, before going to the office…

The man leant back on the bed, lounged, with his body propped up on his elbows. He wore a white suit, a fedora shaded his face.
On the end of the bed sat a Japanese woman who had a wide brimmed sun hat, cream colored with a bowl shaped crown.
She wore a white flowery cotton sundress.
We sat down opposite the two of them, Micky on an armless upholstered chair, me next to him, legs astride, on a knee high stuffed foot stool.
The woman got up from the bed and swung herself onto Micky’s lap.
She’d dropped the dress, a puddle on the carpet, and was naked but for the sun hat. As she adjusted her position to face him square on, I saw that her buttocks were large and slightly wrinkled, pockmarked with middle age.
As if she had been on an unhealthy diet of burgers and shakes, I thought.
Still, I couldn’t understand why the girls always fell for Micky. I was jealous. It wasn’t like he was handsome given his chinless jaw and beard stubble that looked like it had been yanked down from his lower lip. And his face was an odd round shape, pale and circular like a plate.
I got up to go, and as I walked back along the corridor I figured I should get back to the office and try Googling my leaving date once more.
Painting ‘Values Study’ by Ellen Marcus, reposted with permission, from portfolio Acts of Paint.
Tattoo from the Dejavu Tattoo Studio Chiang Mai Thailand via Flickr.